Getting Started Coding with the MVTThis document discusses how to get started developing the MVT. This includes either fixing bugs in the current version, or extending the code for future versions. In short you need to
Set up an account on SourceforgeYou will need a personal account at You should go to the New Users Homepage. And follow the intstructions on that page. Contact either Peter Staab or Eric Wright to be added to the list of developers.Email either Peter Staab ( or Eric Wright ( Either one can add you to the list of developers. Set up CVS and SSH on your own machine.Most Unix platforms has these installed automatically for you. For an introduction to SSH, try the ssh site. There is also a bit of CVS information at's Site Documents. Download a starting directory structure and makefiles.Once the directory structure and few environment variables are set correctly, the code should be easy to modify and maintain.
SSH into the CVS filesystem for the first time.First time users will need to SSH into the CVS filesystem once in order to set up the correct home directories and such. Login to the cvs tree by typing: ssh loginname@cvs.mvt.sourceforge.netand then type your password. You will be logged in and immediately kicked out--that will be enough to set up the right directories. Checkout a copy of the MVT.You will need to checkout the code from the CVS repository on sourceforge. It is highly recommended to read the getting started with sourceforge document. Also, a very good (and free) document explaining the CVS in detail is Karl Fogel's Introduction to CVS. This is a must for doing any substantial work with CVS. To get started with a copy of the code you should: Make additional changes to your .cshrc fileIn order to get the makefile to work correctly, the following lines need to be added to your .cshrc file (in order for it to work on Solaris/UNIX). setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0 setenv IS_UNIX 1 Make sure that the code compiles.If all goes well, typing make from the MVT_HOME directory should compile all code without problems. Code your brains out. |